That alone was a pain in the butt. Pulling up vinyl flooring is tough since the luaun is so freaking heavy, especially when it comes up a full sheet at a time. One small staple is easy to pull out, but pulling up a board with hundreds of staples holding it down required a log of leg strength.
Anyway.. here's how we started.

The fake butcher block laminate countertops, the built in place particle board cabinets, the terrible green on the walls, etc. That's our kitchen.
So the first step, working the bottom up, was to remove the appliances, then the bottom cabinets. They came apart fairly easily with a pry bar and a sledge hammer.

The bottoms came out relatively easily. It was the tops that were a pain. They were built in place, so the sledge hammer really came into play here.
but we did it, piece by piece.

That was the big part. As you can see in the next picture, it went from empty to a full cabinet/countertop/sink install! Yay!! Someone else did that. We had a great contractor do it, here in Richmond, VA. If you want to know who, shoot me an email. They put the sink in, but I plumbed it. Go me. you can see the crappy linoleum floor kind of. It sucked.

So, after the pro's put in the cabinets et al, I ripped up the floor as I alluded to earlier. Check out what was left underneath:

Then, almost the last step , here's the new floor. Again, put in my a pro, it's too detail oriented and it took them a day and a half, how long would it have taken me?!