I had a different challenge. I recently replaced an aging Samsung 32" CRT HDTV with a new (awesomeness) Sony KDL-40V2500. It's a sweet 1080p LCD TV, weighing in at a whopping 43lbs. Ha, 43 lbs vs the 155 or so lbs of my Samsung, and at only 4" deep, this fits wherever I want it.
I got my TV, and loved it. Hooked it up to my upscaling DVD player, and my Verizon FIOS TV connection. TV had never looked so good, and with HDMI through and through, my connections were a breeze. My room is a weird shape, It's about 12 feet wide, and about 30 feet long. So it's really really narrow. Unfortunately, as you can see in this picture, the window across from the couch is in the place where I wanted to hang the TV. The other option, above the fireplace, is just WAY too high for me to look at.

Looking at this picture, you can see I have a cramped room in that corner. It's situated nicely, but not perfect. Since I had no flat wall, I needed to do something to get the TV up. Planning on this project was a lot more difficult than I thought. My days of geometry and angles have long since past, and even when I thought I had my math right, I was way off on my angles to cut the wood. So instead of using math and graph paper, I tried to use a new "template" on a piece of peg board with masking tape. This allowed me to make my angles, and layout my wood. Worked out pretty well. Except my saw couldn't cut the angles deep enough, stupid circular saw. Oh well.

Alright, now I know how to cut my wood. That's the easy part. The next part is hanging it on the wall. I had zero interest in allowing my TV, that I spent too much money on, to fall from the wall, breaking, or possibly hurting someone. So, what I did, was found the studs on my wall (obviously my stud finder sucks, so I had to perform exporatory surgery to get a good location on them).

Then I held the wood up from the wall, drew lines on it how to plan the holes for my lag bolts, and put it on the wall to make sure it was level. I marked my spots for the holes (thank goodness for kids and crayons, they were handy). Drilled the holes, then hung it on the wall. These little insulation hangers made it like having a second set of hands, without having to explain to someone that I needed a second set of hands!

From here, it was a breeze. After I put the lagbolts in (1/4 inch width, 5 inch long lag bolts from Home Depot). This sucker isn't going anywhere. It held me up for a few seconds without so much as a groan.

Then I mounted the backside of my TV bracket from monoprice.com.

Then I put the TV up! AWESOME!

There are two remaining issues, and this blog will be updated when I'm done.
I need to cover this ugliness:

and I need to add a wall power outlet and a wall HDMI outlet (can I do that?)